Monday, June 21, 2010

George's Thoughts

The Dunedin Trip

It’s Monday!!!! Time to go to Dunedin. It was a long bus trip up there when we got there we went straight to the Young Leaders Conference and my favourite speaker was Rob Harley. We stayed there for 3 to 5 hours what a long time to sit but we got breaks for morning tea and lunch.

After that we went to the art gallery, which was just down the road and John Neumegan took us for a tour of the art gallery. Then we did some amazing Japanese cartoon characters.

After that we went to the museum and played then we had Pizza Hut for tea and then went back down to play. My favourite games were foosball and the computers; they were fun too. After all that we had to go to bed.

I slept by Harry, Rory and Callum. I slept like a lamb and then we got up and had breakfast and then played some more and we went to the butterflies; it was hot, really hot and I saw a tree frog it’s little and shiny.

After we went back up stairs and packed our bags and went back to the bus and headed for Moana pools we got there and got straight off and into the changing rooms and out to the pool. We weren’t allowed on the waterslide; I didn’t care because there was a log in the water and it was hard to get on. Lots got on for five seconds and then fell off and there were donuts and we made a long line of them and played waterpolo.

After that we went out and got packs of lunch and then we went back to Invercargill, and arrived at 6 pm and then we went home.

By George


  1. Cool writing George I loved your description too.
    From Kiera. :)

  2. Awesome stuff george cool to read.

  3. That was one of the best recounts I've read so far and I've read a few recounts
    Callum H
