Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Shinikka's Dunedin Thoughts


In Dunedin I loved the Young Leaders Conference. I liked Allison Shanks. She is a world champion She is a good cyclist.. She bikes on road and in the Velodrome. She won four gold medals.

My second favorite thing was the art gallery. I learnt how to do ukiyo-e portraits using ink and dye. They were fun because I liked the colours of the dye. The colours of he dye were yellow, green, red, blue, pink and purple.

The final thing I loved was the butterflies. They were all cool, there was even a quail on the floor. The forest was hot .

By Shinikka


  1. We've been to the Butterflies too. They were cool to watch. I missed seeing the Quail, but did see Frogs and a Spider I kept well away from. I agree it was way too hot for me in there. Glad you enjoyed yourself Shinikka.

    Leanne (Mrs Weaver).

  2. Cool work Shinikka. That's awesome how Allison Shanks won four GOLD medals. The Tropical Forest was hot. Did you see the spiders? Nice story! McKeely

  3. Wow Shinikka
    I really enjoyed reading your work
    I think you are really talented writer. You're great.
    from Adam.

  4. I like how you told us what Allison shanks and what she dose.


  5. Hi Shinikka, thanks for posting a comment on my story. I liked the way you said on you story about what Alison Shanks did in her life.
    From Kiera. :)
