Thursday, April 29, 2010

Flip VIdeos, Photos and Comments on Learning

Hi everyone
We are nearly at the end of a very busy week. I am working on setting up the children's blog addresses. This takes a little bit of time but it will enable links to be made to the classroom blog and also enable the children to comment on parts of this blog. In the meantime, I will put their comments about the video they watched the other day - Adora Svitak's one - under a new post on here. These are just their thoughts and ideas in very brief versions. The discussion we had about learning was fantastic. They really enjoy thinking deeply about the world around them and how they interact with it.
We also went to Kerr Bush today. This is such a great opportunity to continue our focus on sustainability in action. They excitement around seeing the growth in their trees was very exciting. They feel that they are part of doing something to change and preserve something important in their community. Another way of showing that you don't have to be an adult to be able to achieve something big. Imagine what Kerr Bush will look like when they are older!!
They will also be setting up a Kerr Bush blog which will keep us up-to-date with what is happening there. More ICT skills put to good use in relevant contexts.
We will let you know the address and will provide a link from the Myross Bush school site.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Our new Epals

What a busy start to the week! We have our epals and have really enjoyed reading about them and finding out more about Michigan. The first emails are on their way with more to go tomorrow.
The children are almost ready to post their responses to the video they watched the other day. Talk to them about their thoughts and questions. They are such a mature group with important things to say about learning and thinking.
We have also had a request to email a school in England. This has come about through our blog and an ex-Myross Bush student now working in England.
It's very exciting to be able to provide real-world contexts and purposes for the children's writing.
The children can access their epals from home also.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Exciting Developments!

Hi everyone. Have you seen that we have had over 500 visits to our blog????!!!! How exciting is that? Also, I have just received your first emails from your epals in Michigan. That is even more exciting. They sound like a great bunch of people. I will get these to you straight away on Monday morning so that you can reply to them. I wish I was going to be at school tomorrow. I am spending the day on more learning about how to create the absolute best learning environment.
The most exciting part of today has been being privileged enough to hear all of your amazing thoughts about teaching and learning today. You are indeed very clever thinkers. I am lucky to be your teachers. I can't wait until you add your videos and thoughts to the blog on Monday.
Keep working hard tomorrow and reading as much as you can. How are those basic facts going? We will begin our Multiplication / Division work on Monday.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What adults can learn from kids

Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids Video on

This is an amazing speech that we viewed at the Kath Murdoch day. We will be focusing on public speaking this term but it's the ideas and challenges this speech offers that makes you think. We will watch it tomorrow and the children can post their reactions to what this wonderful young person has to say. Makes you think.
The children have now added their comments. We had a few technical problems which were solved by, you guessed it, the children.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Welcome to Term 2!

Hi everyone! What a fantastic start to the Term. I am so impressed by the way everyone has settled into their learning. Have you tried out any of the sites I've added to the blog?
After School Maths will hopefully start next week on Thursday - I've changed it as lots of you have rugby practice on Wednesdays. I'd love to see as many of you as possible at the maths club. Remember, the effort you put in will pay off. Just look how far you have come in one term!!!!
I can't wait to share everything we learn tomorrow at our 'Kath Murdoch' day with all of you. I love that you want to know about things and you always ask fantastic questions. Wait until you get going with this term's inquiry!!
Some very cool ICT tools have arrived - I wonder what they are?? You will have to wait until Thursday. :-)
If your family is having trouble joining the blog as followers, let me know. If they can, they could pop into school and I can help them.
See you on Thursday. Keep that reading homework going. Plan out your time carefully. Let me know if you need anything or I can help you with anything.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Do you love different types of music?

Click on this site. It's absolutely fantastic with so many different forms of music for you to learn about. It's really interactive and has lots of games and quizzes.
Learn about opera, explore chamber music, and experience the magic of an orchestra.
This one's a gem! Have fun and explore. Let me know who your favourite composer is.
This website is designed for your age group. :-)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Holiday Greetings

Hi everyone
How are your holidays going? I am looking forward to seeing all of you on Monday. Are you ready for a term of great learning and finding out how YOU learn best? We've got lots of exciting events coming up too. Can't wait!
I wasn't able to add the games for you that I wanted to as we lost our Internet access in Deep Cove for a little while. I mite add some photos of a couple of the local Deep Cove characters in the next couple of days.
I've added a games site now. It's a great one for working on those basic facts.
I'm looking forward to hearing all about the books you've read during the holidays and what you've been up to. I've got something a little different in mind for sharing what you've been up to - it's another ICT challenge. Hmm, I wonder what it could be? If you have any digital photos of your holidays, you could bring those along.
Here's the game site. Try it out and let me know what you think.