Saturday, December 11, 2010

End of Year Thoughts and Epals

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for assembly on Friday!!!! You have always had such a talent as a group of singers. Meanies made me cry! I absolutely loved the song and it meant a great deal to me. You've been an amazing group - I've loved the laughs, your hard work, great attitudes and perseverance. All of you are great examples of the Myross Bush values.
Don't ever change! Keep believing in yourselves and aiming high. Only you can stop yourselves from achieving the goals you set.
I hope you will all come back and visit and let me know what you are up to and the successes you are having - there will be so many I know!
Thank you so much for a very special year - keep smiling! :-)

p.s. - I've forwarded your epals messages on to you. Wasn't it great to be able to Skype the kids in Michigan! I will leave your accounts active until the end of the year. If you want to keep communicating, you will need to get your parents' permission to email them on your accounts at home.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Global Communication Predictions for the Future

Another question to ponder and add your thoughts as comments.
Don't forget to involve your parents in the discussion too. What
changes have they noticed and what do they predict for the future?

This question:

What predictions can you make about how we will communicate globally in
the future?

Use the hats - blue - to do some thinking about the question and the communication
tools we have now, white - what are the facts about global communication links we have
now, yellow - positives about how we communicate now, black - make a judgement about
current communication - good and bad, red - what are your feelings about current communication
tools and links. Finally, use the green hat to come up with creative ways and new technologies that
may be used in global communication.

Global Communication Changes

A question for you to ponder and add your thoughts to the discussion.
How has our ability to communicate with the rest of the world changed over the past
100 years? Add your thinking, and any questions you have, to the discussion as

Friday, November 19, 2010

This is Exciting!!!!

Hey everyone!! Look what I've just found - another very cool tool to help us share our learning
with a wider community. Who wants to have a play on Monday?
What learning could we show using this tool?
At the moment, it comes with ads but I will sign up and pay for the version that doesn't have them - I just
couldn't wait to explore!
Click on the link yourselves to have a play and let me know what you think.
Another exciting event this week - all your assessment data!!! What an amazing class. You've worked so hard and
really deserve your great results. I can't wait to share these with you on Monday.
Have a great weekend.
Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
Create your own slideshow - Powered by Smilebox
Create your own photo slideshow

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Football / Soccer Star Coaches

Hey everyone! Today we had the privilege of having some amazingly talented and professional soccer / football coaches in our room. Kiera, Niamh, Jarrod, Fraser and Scott planned and took the class for a session where they learned a wide range of skills. They will continue to comment on this in the next few days.
We were all so incredibly impressed with the way they organised the session and also with their coaching / teaching skills. We can't wait for the next session!!
Well done Team. Check out a few of the photos to be published during the week.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Progressive Story - Digital Storytelling Project

Hi everyone
I have put the link to our storytelling project below. Have a look and see what you think so far. Our one is the one in pink! (A popular class choice). I am so impressed with the quality of what the children have written as a class - brilliant cooperation and a huge team effort to complete it in one day!!!
The next step is for us to submit 3 pieces of artwork which the children are now working on.
The organiser of the project then puts it all together on VoiceThread - another fantastic tool. You can check this out on the net too. (Address added below also).
The classes we are working with are all in different parts of the USA and some have contacted us to say they would like to Skype us and email. This is a brilliant way to find out about our own and other people's cultures. Our next step is to work with a wider range of cultures from all round the world. A great way to know about who we are and how we are connected globally.
Thanks everyone for your outstanding efforts! So proud of all of you.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blog Visits and Week 6

Hi everyone
I hope all of you enjoyed your morning at your High Schools on Friday.
We still have 5 weeks of full-on learning left at Myross Bush so make sure that
you are focussed on achieving your goals before the end of the year.
How are those basic facts coming? We are testing them this week and
also testing your spelling if you are on a list.
Did you notice that we are up to nearly 5000 blog visits???!!!
I think we will well and truly achieve this before the end of the year, particularly
as we become more involved in learning about our world through other
Don't forget to complete the tasks for your homework - including the ones on the
There are still quite a few of you who haven't responded to your emails about your goals - make
sure you do this as it will help keep you on track.
We will complete our part in the Progressive Storytelling project tomorrow - very exciting. Your epals emails should be there also. replying can be part of your homework.
I also need some bloggers to update the blog each day in relation to what we are learning in class - any volunteers?
Have a fabulous week.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Hi everyone. I just wanted to say good luck for tomorrow. Remember, first impressions count and are really important. You are all very special people with so many talents so go out there tomorrow and shine. Show your High Schools just how lucky they are to have you!
Good Luck You Fabulous People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EPALS and Global Connections

Hi everyone
Your emails from your epals should be there now. I think there may be a couple more to come and one of the boys has left - will check which one tomorrow.
They are also very keen to skype us to learn more about you and New Zealand in general.
Very exciting!
Something for you to comment on:
What does it mean to you to be a 'Kiwi'? What is being a 'Kiwi' all about? Add your comments as part of out inquiry.
There will be more questions added in the next few days for you to comment on.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Hi everyone. Just a quick reminder that you need to bring back your form to let me know whether you are doing Mathletics or not, otherwise I won't know who to sign up, etc. There is a section on the form for you to tick if you aren't doing it at this time.
If you are, then that's great. Just bring the form and money back to school by Friday please.
Thanks everyone.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Today we had Miss Miller come to share with us some wonderful stories from around the world.
Our questions are: How do stories help connect us globally? Why is it so important to keep the tradition of storytelling alive?
Add your thoughts as comments. We can't wait to read and respond to them!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


The Rm 8 poets have written some beautiful pieces about Stewart Island. We are looking forward to sharing these with you this week. We will probably publish them as links but will work on that on Monday!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


We have sent our first emails off to our epals in Michigan. We've been really lucky to keep this going with the first school we started emailing.
You will need to make sure that you check you emails regularly. Remember, you can do this from home too. If you are having any computer problems at home, just let me know and you will have more time at school.
It would be really exciting if we could Skype them this time too. We will work on the times for that - this will fit in with your learning on time with Mrs Wilcox.


What a busy week! We've has issues with the server at school so we haven't been able to publish some amazing poetry yet. Some of you may have heard a selection of the Stewart Island poems on Friday in assembly.
These will be published during the week and you will be able to view them and add comments. Comments are really important to encourage the children to keep writing. They also love the feedback. I guess we all do! :-)
This week, after the excitement of Pet Day, we will begin our new inquiry - can't give away too much at this stage but please keep checking the blog as it will very quickly become exciting I believe.
We have just begun our participation in the Digital Storytelling Project. This involves us working with 5 other classes - in the USA this time - to write a story together and add art to it. It's our turn in a week or so to add the next part. We check up on what others are writing and once the project is completed it is published in VoiceThread - the children will learn more about this tool during the next couple of weeks. The potential for collaboration and building an understanding of our own and other's cultures is incredibly exciting.
I will add a link to the site so that you can have a look at what we are up to.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Camp, Comments and Homework

Hi everyone, I hope you've had a restful weekend and are ready for some full-on learning this week.
If you have been leaving comments and are wondering why they haven't been published, have no fear - they will be soon. There seems to be a hiccup with the server at school and I'm not able to contact it to get my mail. All will be sorted out on Tuesday I'm sure.
Your homework this week will revolve around camp, Pet Day, and your new epals.
I'll bet you can't wait to share your camp memories with everyone at school. We will do this through many different forms of writing, art, photography, keynotes, podcasting - the possibilities are endless! I know you will come up with many more exciting ideas.
Our turn on the Digital Storytelling project is coming up very soon. We'll have to have a look tomorrow to see what others have come up with!
See you in the morning.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More Stunning Sand Sculptures

Check out some more amazing sculptures!

Room 8 Goes Slightly 'Normal' on Stewart Island

The title was Cameron's idea!
We've been having a ball on the Island - even if it's been a little damp and cold - and that's putting it mildly!
We've been fishing off the Golden Bay wharf, found out some interesting facts during the evening programme at DOC, we've done one steep walk - which wasn't too bad really and a shorter one to look at ferns.
We are really looking forward to the camp concert.
We were really sad when we found out we couldn't do the overnight camps because of the weather, but we are making up for that by camping out on the floor in the Community Centre.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


6 sleeps to go till Room 8 go to Stewart Island and have the times of their lives, and drive Mrs Hughes MAD. In class we have been choosing games and activities to do as well as discussing our groups. On Friday we will be getting a visit from Hilary, who is a first aid teacher who will teach us some basic first aid, and other things we may need to know. So as you see we have had a very busy week and awesome one ahead to come.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Fantastic Kakapo Experience

The Unnatural History of the Kakapo will make its Invercargill debut on October 17, followed by a second screening on Oct 21. This is a fantastic film and would be great to go and see. It's a shame that we can't visit Sirocco this year, but this would be the next best thing!

Centrestage Theatre have donated the use of the theatre to screen this movie. Admission is only $5, so if you are able to, this would be a great opportunity to see one of the coolest birds on the planet!.

Part of your entry will go towards the protection and care of this endangered bird.

Come and see me if you would like more information.

Day 1 - and One Week to go Before Camp!

Hi everyone
A really busy day with an amazing group of kids. Everyone worked so hard on their camp
preparation. Some stunning art work for you to see before the week is out.
Everyone has their passwords and log-in information for the Smartkiddies site so please have a look and see what you think.
Samantha has made an outstanding keynote which she shared with all of us today - lots of great information about Stewart Island.
Everyone is very excited about camp! Now there's a surprise!!
Instead of writing a note for everyone today, I have emailed them. I'm really enjoying getting the emails back and reading what their goals are for the term - make sure they share them with you.
Don't forget the meeting for parents going on camp - it's in Rm 8 at 6.30pm. It won't be a long meeting. Treats come with this meeting so I'm looking forward to seeing you there!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

New Maths Site to Try

Here is the link for a maths site that is similar to Mathletics. I would like you to be critical thinkers and
try it out then decide which one is more beneficial for your learning.
I will also put the link on the sidebar under your homework link.
You won't be able to access it until Monday as I have your passwords!
As always, if computers are a bit tricky at home, don't worry. You will get extra time at
This is an Australian site that links directly to our Numeracy learning in NZ. There is lots
more information on the site for you and your parents to have a look at too.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Holiday Happenings

Hi everyone! I'd love to read what you've been up to over the holidays. Add your thoughts as comments.
You could add in some thoughts about what you've been reading too.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Hi everyone! I hope you're having a great holiday. I have some funny Aus photos to show you when we return.
It's going to be an exciting term - Camp in Week 2!! Can you believe how quickly it's rolled around?
I hope you've been reading lots over the break and putting a little bit of practise into your Basic Facts.
Lots of great learning coming up this term. Something for everyone!
We are going to be inquiring into... Oops, nearly gave it away. Now that wouldn't be good would it?
Let's open up the discussion. Add your comments about what you think our inquiry focus might be this term.
Add it as a comment, and don't forget to include your name.
See you soon. Keep an eye on the blog over the next few days for more information, questions, discussion
starters and so much more.
Keep an an eye on the side bar for more cool sites too.
I was very good and did not work on the computer while I was away - always good to monitor how much
time we spend on our tech tools isn't it? I must admit though, that I have missed working on the blog -
don't tell anyone!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Hi everyone
This week we've been flat out with our Science DIscovery Day. We thought you'd like to read our thoughts.
We've added them as comments so that this is more manageable than lots of writing on the main page of the blog.
We'd love to read your comments.
We are also working on using correct surface features - spelling, grammar and punctuation on the blog.
We know that even when our first draft is correct, we sometimes don't go back and check our typing on the
blog. We will keep working on this!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Snow Thoughts

SNOW!!!! Get those cameras out! :-)

Hey everyone
Grab those cameras and get some great shots of the snow! You could either bring them on Monday to add to the blog or you can email them today along with some comments and I'll put them straight up on the blog.
Think of some great adjectives to describe what you are looking at, take some creative camera shots - mouse-eye view, macro, etc, write a poem even!
This is the great thing about blogs - learning anytime, anywhere. Keeping that creativity and critical thinking going.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Discovery Day Amendment

Hi everyone
We were so excited about getting everything organised that we left an important part off our notice, blog and other messages today! Parents are very welcome to come and have a look and try out experiments on Monday - at ANY time! :-)
Whatever suits you will be fine for us. I will need to know how many children are staying later, but it's not that essential as I will be there quite late anyway.
I have been so impressed with how hard everyone has worked. Aspects of this inquiry will continue into Term 4, so that is something exciting to look forward to.
See you on Monday! Don't forget to check out the Science blog and become followers.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Discovery Day Monday

Hi everyone. We are very excited about our Discovery Day on Monday.
During the day the other classes will be visiting us to try out some of the
experiments and activities.
Later in the day, parents are very welcome to come and see what we've been
up to. We will be open until 5.30pm. (Children might need to bring some
extra afternoon tea!).
A notice regarding this will be heading your way tomorrow. We'd love to see
you there any time during the day.
We have been learning to think like scientists and can't wait to share our
knowledge with you. I have been so impressed by the way the children
are working and the effort they are putting into their learning.
Once again, we need to thank Mrs Wiseman for all her support, time and
encouragement. (Not to mention the resources!)
See you on Monday!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

History in the Making!

My goal over the last term has been able to master the art of publishing / broadcasting podcasts.
The making of them seemed simple and it was, compared to the uploading part!
I was determined in my goal and... we've done it! This is our first one created by Cameron, Liam and
Fraser. There will be many more to come!!
There will also be many podcasts and the boys from Rm 7, who are in charge of the new news
blog - to be announced shortly - will no doubt be using these as one of the tools of communication.

Our Very First Podcast!!

Rm 8 discovery day

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Discovery day

Hi, Room 8 here to tell you about the last two weeks and what we have been doing with science.
We have been completing science experiments (lots of them) like making lighting blots, ice cream in a bag, creating volcanoes and lots more. We're not just doing this for fun - it's for Room 8's Discovery Day on Monday 21. It's going to be amazing looking at what the experiments are going to be like. Well, bye for now.
P.S.this is also for fun!!

By Olivia, Ethan and Brock.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Hi everyone. It's been another busy week. We are right in the swing of Thinking Like Scientists at the moment and have been experimenting with Chromatography. Our experimentation will be on the classroom wall, on the blog and in our Learning Journal. We will share all of these - along with so much more - with you in the last week of school when we have our Science Day.
Monday is when all of the information will head your way. We will send a notice home and will also post lots of information on this blog and the Science blog that the boys have created and looked after.
The aim is to have the classroom as a "Discovery World / Science Lab" where people can come and see what we've been up to and try out some of the experiments.
Any resources the children need and don't have at home, I will be able to get for them.
We can't wait to share the learning with all of you!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Hi everyone
I have changed how I upload your homework sheets onto the Net. Please click on the link and make sure that it works. Let me know if it doesn't. This format works better with Apple so it makes sense to use it and to keep everything in one place.
Your focus for 2 weeks is, of course, SCIENCE! You will need to make sure that you have become a follower on the Science Blog as we will be posting many things there too.
All of the biographies you create will be posted there if you choose to create them digitally.
We need to decide how we are going to publicise this event too and how we are going to open it up to the whole school if they are keen.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We'd love to read your thoughts about How to Train A Brain. Please add your comments. Comments for other rooms
will be forwarded on to them straight away, or you could put them on their blogs.
Thank you everyone.

This is us, in the middle of our first run-through at the Civic Theatre today.
I think everyone did a fantastic job. I was increadibly proud of your professional attitudes and I can't wait until the big night!
Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 23, 2010


Hi everyone
Today Callum H, Cameron and Adam set up the Myross Science blog.
They were adding this information here when the system 'crashed' this afternoon.
I was just about to teach them how to add a hyperlink. That new learning will
have to wait until Wednesday.
Check out their NEW BLOG which they are in charge of. Add in what you'd like
to see on it and don't forget to become a follower!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Mathletics Surprise

We are very excited in Rm 8 about... MATHLETICS! Everyone has shown enormous improvement in just 2 short weeks. I am really proud of all of you.
Because you have all worked so hard, we are allowed to stay on Mathletics and participate in the NZ Maths Week Challenge / Competition next week.
This is a fantastic opportunity and I will put a link to more information under maths on the sidebar.
We have some fantastic Mathletes in Rm 8 and I can't wait to see how they do when they compete against other students from around NZ.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mathletics Reminder

You only have three days left on this! It's been fantastic to see the improvement in your number knowledge over such a short time! You need to make sure that you are adding the comments about your learning so that we can think about whether it is worth continuing with or not.
I have been so impressed that you have focussed on your learning and have not become too distracted by the avatars.

Mona Lisa

Hi everyone - click on the link to the Louvre in Paris and have a closer look at the Mona Lisa.
This is part of a virtual tour where you can roam around this amazing museum and have a look at all the different art works.
The link I've included has hyperlinks where you can have a look at the other art works. Simply click on one of them and you're off! Comment on interesting things you learn as you travel around.
I will also add the link under links on the sidebar of our blog. I will teach you how to do this next week so that you can add your own interesting sites for others to look at.

Creative Southland Speech Competition

Today we had the Cluster Round of this competition. Samantha and Ellie were the representatives from Myross Bush.
I felt so proud of the way they spoke and presented their speeches. Well done girls!!
I was also very proud of Shinikka, who came along to support them. You are a wonderful friend to so many, Shinikka. Thanks for your support and encouragement.
Thanks too, to Hollie and McKeely who helped organise the classroom after school - and they even did some windows - using their own initiative. We are very lucky in Rm 8 to have a class of very awesome - in the true sense of the word - and caring students!

Production Stars of the Show!

I thought you might like to see the first publicity photo from our rehearsal today.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Production 2010

Hi everyone - we are having a great time rehearsing for the Production. Can't wait to share it with you.
Watch this space for the official "Movie Trailer" for "How to Train a Brain"!!
Keep working hard to learn your lines.
Costume lists are heading your way tomorrow - just finalising a few of the 'finer' details!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Comments on Posts - Dunedin

Hi everyone
I've just been updating a few things on the blog and have found many comments that have not gone onto your writing - the only problem ones seem to be for the Dunedin writing.
Not sure what happened here as most of them, I've either not seen or they were ones that were approved.
Emma, you may be interested to see that nick Tuitasi has commented on your writing! Well done.
I know where to look now to double check that everything is working as it should.


I've started another link list for you - all about art. Have a look at Artpad - an online art site where you can create more masterpieces. Have fun and let me know what you think.
Share your fantastic art on the blog.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Myross Literature Circles Blog

Hi everyone.
I've started up a Myross Literature Circles blog where all things "Literature" can be discussed.
The link is under "Blogs We're Following". Please have a look and add your suggestions about what could go on this blog.
This will be for the whole school so you need to think about ways we can incorporate everyone's ideas from New Entrants up.
I'd also like to put information for teachers on there too.
What do you think?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mathletics Reminder

Hi everyone. It's great to see all the points on the board. I know the avatars are very cool but please make sure that you don't focus on them at the expense of your maths learning.
Your progress reports show how you are doing and there are some great scores but remember to stay focussed on the learning.
Keep up the awesome effort.
See you tomorrow. :-)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mathletics Update #3

Couldn't resist!!! Have you seen our points??? I am so proud of all of you. Everyone is showing such a huge commitment to their learning. I see this every day and that is why your learning is leaping ahead. Have a look at the points and add your comments.
Keep up the awesome effort - it will really pay off; as it is already.

Mathletics Update #2

Congratulations! 27 of you have your first certificate this week.
The first one is bronze. I wonder if anyone will reach a silver - or even
a gold certificate?? There are a wee few of you who are close to silver.
I have changed the levels on some of the live challenges to give you
more of a challenge. Remember, don't go for the easiest ones - give yourselves
a challenge. You are very capable students!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mathletics Update

Go Niamh, Adam, Jarrod and Callum B! You are true mathletes. Congratulations on being in the top 100 in NZ for today! Great to see the motivation in this programme. I really love being able to track your progress and see what you are achieving and what your next learning steps are. Keep up the awesome effort everyone!

Monday, August 9, 2010


WOW!!!!! We have 5 of you in the top 100 students! We are the top school in NZ and....... the top school in the world - how's that for determination and achievement, not to mention a very healthy dollop of competition.
A very big congratulations to Callum B who is 4th!! Callum H is 7th - do we sense a very strong competition here O Wise Ones??
Seriously though, this is just another example of your determination to succeed in your learning.
I have really enjoyed sharing your learning with you and your families so far. You should all feel very proud of your hard work.

I've added the Mathletics address to the Maths Sites links and I've also added the Mathletics blog under "Blogs We're Following".

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Hi everyone
This post is where you will be able to add your comments and thoughts about Mathletics.
Remember to be critical thinkers. What are the advantages / disadvantages / benefits, etc of the programme as you explore it.
Focus on the impact on your learning. I will add my comments too - about whether it is useful for me as a teacher to monitor the teaching and learning process.

More Geodome Photos

Geodomes get going


I will add some of the photos you took of the learning process you went through to construct your geodome.
Add your comments about the process and also about the learning.
What was your maths thinking and learning during the process?
Remember to add your name to your comments so we know who you
are and can respond to your thoughts! :-)
Some of the photos are going on a little bit scrambled sorry team.
They may need more in-depth explanations!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Yesterday we talked about what we could do for the Science Fair.
Because we've had to work on our speeches for the competition and also
complete the Production - and learn lines, we have run out of time a little if we
wanted to get our entries in to this year's Science Fair. We know that we could do it, but
we'd only have time to do one-off short experiments. This would not allow
depth of learning in science and would not increase our knowledge of
the Scientific Method so...
What We're Up To Now
We are going to spend the next 6 weeks learning about science and
exploring a wider range of experiments to find out what we want to investigate
in depth. We will hold a Science Fair and it will be the Room 8 Science Fair.
Our tentative date will be in Week 9 and we will open up the room for the afternoon
and part of the evening for parents and family members to come along and see what
we've been learning - and also for them to participate in some experiments that the
children will set up.
By working and learning this way, we will develop our science knowledge to a greater depth
which will also help us prepare well for science in Year 7. We will also be incorporating
our reading, writing and maths by reading great examples of well-written reports,
writing our own and also using our knowledge of measurement and statistics to complete
the write-up and presentation of our reports.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Write about what you were doing in these photos. What did you learn today?

Exploring Science


Hi everyone
Please add your comments here about today's science.
We were so luck to have Mrs Wiseman come in to take
all of you through the scientific process. I was absolutely
thrilled to see how excited you were by science.
Look out for more challenges and fantastic experiments
as we get involved in "Thinking Like a Scientist".
Think about new learning, interesting facts, relationships
to previous learning etc.
I will be putting lots of photos on the blog tonight so check them
out and talk about them with your parents.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Moffett Cup

On Tuesday the 2nd of August I went to Moffett Cup.
I played netball.
My team lost the finals.
I was so tired after Moffet Cup.
By Shinikka

Moffet Cup

3rd of August and it's time for Moffet Cup. My team and I are fired up ready to go. It's our first game and we have to win. We won our first game and I scored a try. ( Go me.) My team and I made it in to the semi final; we lost that game, but the A team/Stags won the Moffet Cup. Yes.

Moffet Cup

On the 3rd of August the year 3,4,5 and 6 went to Tokonui for the Moffet Cup. Our team the Myross Bush Green didn't win any games but we had a great time. I had a sore foot and back after all the 8 games we had. The Myross Bush Stags went to the finals and won the cup. They were facing Tokonui in the finals. I had a great time in Moffet Cup and go Myross Bush.


Jarrod,s Moffet Cup

The Myross bush Stags came back with a big win and the great moffet cup trophy. It was a great experince and I relly liked it.

Moffett Cup

3rd of August, Myross Bush School at the Tokanui Rugby Club Grounds where all the Year 4, 5s and 6s went to Moffett Cup.
When we arrived we all went to our coaches and got ready for our games. My team faced Rimu, Tokanui, Tisbury and The Myross Bush Stags (by the way my team are The Myross Bush Highlanders). We won every game except the one against The Myross Bush Stags (5 - nil) and We drew Tokanui 2 all. After all the games it was prize giving time, The Myross Bush Rippa Rugby Team won all their games and won a Trophy and The Myross Bush Stags won the Moffet Cup!!
After prize giving we all got on the bus and went back to Invercargill.
By Taimana

Moffett Cup

On August the third we were wining against Tokonui six nil to us then I heared the bell ring. Then I saw Callum H going out and just like that, the game were over everyone started running on the field and jumping up and down.

Ethan's Moffett Cup

Moffett Cup was on the 3rd of August. I had a very fun time but, my team lost all of the four games. It was my 2nd Moffett Cup.

By Ethan Burnett

Moffett Cup

I'm in the middle of a maul holding onto the ball. It's the Moffett Cup final against Tokonui it's six to nil to us, the end bell has rung. I wait for a few seconds collecting up my energy then I start pumping my legs and pushing towards the out line then it happens I fall and put the ball out. All the reserves come running onto the field. Then I realize we just won the Moffett Cup.
Callum H.

Moffett Cup

On the 3rd of August the Year 3,4,5 and 6 went to Tokanui
and played tackle rugby for the whole day but it was worth it because
we brought back the gold.
by Brock

Moffett Cup

Now I have a really sore back.
I tackled a really big kid and he fended me in the face and stood on me.
when we won the finals I was so happy all the subs ran onto the feild shouting like the rest of us were.
By Liam.

Moffet Cup

Moffet Cup was an awesome time on the 3rd of August.
Thank you to all the coaches and umpires for your hard effort.
We had an awesome time playing in the finals - sadly we lost.
We were all happy we got through.

Moffet Cup

I ran down the field with the ball in my arm. I am running through all the players in the other Myross Bush team and start pushing them out of the way then touch down I put the ball on the try line. The whistle blows. Try.
By Callum Botting

Hollie's Moffett Cup Experience!!

On Tuesday the 4th of August, the Years 3-6 of Myross Bush School went and competed against the rest of the Southern Zone,
playing netball or rugby, this is called Moffett Cup.
My team was called Myross Bush Gold, we won every game against 4 other teams in our pool.
We made it to the finals and then, the other team Rimu Blue, managed to get 9 goals in and we got NONE!!
My team was absolutely gutted!! Oh well we all had a GREAT day and had heaps of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moffett Cup

On the 3rd of August, the Year 3, 4, 5 and 6s went to Moffett Cup.
Moffett Cup is an event where kids from the Southern Zone go and play netball or rugby. At the end of the day there is prize giving where the different age groups get a trophy if they win the finals.
For Moffett Cup my team and I won all our games and got to the finals but lost, but we all still had a fantastic day!!!
By Samantha

Monday, August 2, 2010


This is where you will be able to share your thoughts about the Habits of Mind
which we will begin on Wednesday. You will be able to show your parents what you
are learning about and how the Habits help you become confident learners in charge of
your own learning.
You will also be able to add this learning to your e-portfolios which we will have a
look at on Wednesday and Thursday.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Hi everyone.
You will see on the left of the blog that there is a survey for you to complete.
It will give us information that we can use to think about the improvements
we would like to see in our school.
All you need to do is click on the link and respond to the 2 questions.
Looking forward to reading your thoughts. Use that fantastic green hat thinking
that you are so good at!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Hi everyone. It's nearly the end of another busy week. I was so impressed with the standard of the speeches today. I was also impressed with so many of you wanting to present your speeches again to strive to improve on the first time! That does not happen very often and is an absolute credit to you and the amazing attitudes all of you have to your learning. Don't ever lose that.
I have your e-pportfolios up and running - I think!!! I will add a photo of your portrait to each one so that you can start them off by reflecting on the learning that has gone on in producing them. I can then respond to you individually. We will also add your goals to this so that it becomes a reflective journal. I am looking forward to reading your thoughts and seeing your learning journeys progress.
Thanks for another amazing day. You're the best!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Hi everyone. We are going to be exhibiting your amazing portraits shortly. If you would like to write about your learning journey in producing them, please add it here as a comment and I will pass them onto the lovely Mrs Forde who is organising information for a brochure.
Remember to include detail in your comments. What were the challenges? What was the most interesting or rewarding part about creating them? What was the key learning along the way? What are you the most proud of?
Looking forward to reading your thoughts. :-)
Thanks for the song today too! ;-)

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Just a wee note to let you know how much we enjoyed the auditions today. All of you were so impressive!! I don't think we've ever had a whole class who were keen to have main roles. That is completely due to all of you having the most fantastic attitudes.
We will let you know on Monday who has which part.
Don't forget to hand your homework books in tomorrow.
I've really enjoyed reading your well-thought-out goals. I know that you will work
hard to achieve them. Proud of all of you!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

More About Tessellations and Initiative

I was so impressed with Emma's tessellation that she tried out last night. This was an optional extra and it was so good to see someone giving new learning a 'go'. Tessellations are a great geometry tool. You will learn about slides, flips and turns, rotations and many more.
Looking forward to the auditions tomorrow. All of you are so talented and I love that you are prepared to try anything and work so hard on your learning. I am also really looking forward to what the reading groups come up with to show their learning about the brain.

See you tomorrow!! :-)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tessellations and Other Thoughts

Hi everyone. I just wanted to say thanks for a fantastic day! I love the way you think and question what is around you. These are just some of the things that make you such fantastic learners. You are always wanting to learn more and achieve more.
The effort you put into your learning is so impressive and it is really exciting to see how motivated you are over your results.
Just imagine what you can learn by the end of the year!!!!
I will start to add the tessellation activities for you. Look out for more on the blog - on the links down the side.
Make sure that you are being sensible about your computer use though. It's never a good idea to spend to long on it. Make sure that you take a break and read or play outside - also important for your learning!

Monday, July 19, 2010

My Goals for Term 3 2010

Hey everyone! Thanks so much for an awesome first day back. You really are very special people. I loved the questions you asked about your reading today. This is what will take you to the next level of your learning. You always want to know what the next learning is. Don't ever change!!
This post is where you can add your goals for this term. Don't forget to add your names to let me know who is commenting - and also so that I can reply to your comments, of course.
Challenge yourselves - what is it that you really want to achieve? Is it in basic facts? Is it in reading, maths, writing??
I will add my learning goals to this part to -as comments. Feel free to comment on them also. :-)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Homework and Reading

Hi everyone! One more sleep and we're back learning. YAY!!
I've added this week's homework to the homework links. Let me know if there are any problems.
We will be completing our learning about the brain and multiple intelligences over the next two weeks.
I will put more links on here for you to explore and share with your parents. I've added one already under the Brain Links - it's one that we will be using in your reading this week.
It has audio on it as well - this is a great support for the more complex vocabulary.
We will be working hard to extend our vocabulary this term.
See you in the morning! :-)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Holiday Greetings

Hi everyone. I hope you've had a wonderful holiday and are looking forward to an awesome term of fantastic learning.
I am starting to add some more links, including links for the Science Fair. Have a play and let me
know what you think.
I will also add more learning challenge links in the next few days.
See you soon!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Amazing Photos

Hi everyone
I've very quickly posted some of the wonderful photos you took last week in the frost.
I think a few of these are Cameron's. What do you think? Is he talented or what!! Leave a comment and I will post more photos in the next few days.
You are all so talented. Keep grabbing the cameras but make sure that you let me know that you've taken photos so that they can be added.
I will show you how to do this next term.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Southern Zone Choir Festival

I have just had the privilege of listening to an amazing group of children singing in the Choir Festival. I felt incredibly proud of all of you! We are so lucky to have such an amazing group of children at our school. You are true leaders and that showed through tonight.
Well done everyone!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Wow! We've hit more than 2000 visits. This is a great reward for all your hard work. You absolutely deserve to have everyone reading this blog and seeing how hard all of you are working.
Keep adding those comments.
Any predictions about how many visits we will have by the end of the year?? What is your thinking on this?
I won't be able to moderate your comments tonight as our email link to school has gone down. I will get on the case in the morning, however, and have them all on for you.
Don't forget the choir practice tomorrow - make sure that you have a big lunch with you, lots of snacks and a big drink bottle full of water.

Celebrating Two Awesome Bloggers

Just wanted to say a BIG, HUGE thank you to Adam and Taimana! Both of you have taken so much time and put a great deal of effort into adding very specific comments to everyone's writing. You are going to keep me on my toes when I add mine!!
I'm sure everyone really appreciates your care and attention, I know I do!
Keep up the awesome work.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Hi everyone - again!
I have just found a site that I think you'll really like.
It's called NeuroKids and it's been developed by children your age.
It has some really interesting information and activities on it.
Have a look and see what you think. Ass a comment to this post.
Is this something you could use to develop and share your thinking?
Could you create your own website to show your learning and share it
with others? Could it be linked to the blog and to the school website?
What is your thinking on this?
Share your ideas!

Brain Links

Hello Petals! I will start to add some brain links for you to explore.
Have a look round the sites and let me know if you find any others.
I will show you how to add the links tomorrow.
We will be focussing on the production tomorrow
and making links to our Inquiry learning.
In the Brain Links there will also be links to Multiple
Intelligences learning and information. Share these with
your parents.
Keep thinking about what we can add to the blog to show our

Rory's Dunedin Musings

Hi everyone, my name is Rory. The trip to Dunedin was so much fun. When we got to Dunedin we went straight to the Young Leaders Conference where leaders talked about our choices and how to be a good leader. My favourite speakers were nick Tuitasi, a policeman for 26 years, and Mark Inglis who has metal legs from frostbite. He was funny.Then the conference ended and Rm 8 went to the Dunedin Art Gallery to meet John Neumegan. He taught us an amazing art style called Ukiyo-e aka Japanese comic art. We did the face and the body and outlined it with ink and then put pastel onto it for colour and cut out pieces of our picture and put coloured paper under it for effect.

When we were all finished we walked to the bus and the bus took us to the Dunedin Museum. We went to meet Andy who told us all the rules for staying the night in the museum.

We went upstairs to Discovery World where we had lots to discover, like airguns, also an electricity machine that followed your fingers. When you were two centimetres away it would go crazy and the lights would be all over the place like they were trying to escape.

After that exhausting play, we ordered pizza in for tea. After tea we continued to explore Discovery World where it was easy to be distracted by what my classmates were doing. It was difficult to stick to one thing for any time because I wanted to do everything at once!

We stopped for a healthy fruit supper before we headed through the red door to do the People of the World with all types of countries like Japan, Australia, Egypt, Congo, and Greece. We got into groups. It took one hour and a half. Then the show finished. Then we went back to where we were staying in the museum to get into our pyjamas. Then we went to sleep – well not all of us did.

When all of us got up we had a choice of breakfast; Rice Bubbles or Cornflakes, fruit and water.

We were buzzing in the legs because Rm 8 was going to the Tropical Rainforest with butterflies, frogs, tarantulas, goldfish and turtles. We had to find all stages of the butterfly; egg, chrysalis, butterfly. Some of us saw a butterfly hatch; it was pretty special in that room. When we went out of the room the excitement dropped so much.

Then we hear that we were going to have an Amazing Race through the museum. We went through the roof because of the excitement! It was so buzzing in the legs all the way through it. Through the People of the World, through the Maori Culture gallery, through Animals of the World. It was so much fun, so much fun.

After that we went from that zinging museum. I took every second in, every one. I would recommend it to everyone.

Now we are getting off track. We were going to the awesome Moana Pool, where we splashed and played flippaball. After that fun was done, it was time to go home. We stopped everywhere! In Gore we stopped at the big Gore fish.

When the excited clan got home, it was not an excited clan the next day.

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Message From Mrs H

Hi everyone! I would just like to say how proud I am of all of you and the comments you have posted as feedback on the blog. Your comments show a maturity of thought. You have focused on the message in the writing and provided very specific feedback. I hope everyone reads not only the writing, but also the comments.
You're the best! In the next day or so, I will add my comments to all of the writing. Please check and let me know if your writing is not on here yet.
Keep up the impressive effort.

Ethan's Dunedin Reflections

It was Monday, May the 31st at 6:30am. Room8 went to school to get on the bus to go to Dunedin.

When we got there we went to the Young Leaders Conference to hear some great speakers. Then we went to the Otago Museum to stay for the night in Discovery World.

Before we went to bed, we went to People of the World and I dressed up. I dressed up as an Egyptian person.

After that we had a snack and got dressed for bed.

By Ethan

EJ's Dunedin Thoughts

The Dunedin trip

On Tuesday morning we went to the tropical rainforest in the museum. When we got there it was really

warm and it was hard to breathe. There was one big waterfall – it was my fist time seeing a waterfall.

Then I saw lots of butterflies, tarantulas, goldfish and turtles. My most favourite one was the tarantulas.

We took lots of pictures but then it was time to go back. Then I took the last picture of the waterfall.

Then we went back inside to pack our things because we were going to Moana Pool.

When we got there, we wait for Mrs Hughes to payed. After Mrs Hughes payed we went to the

changing room to change. Then after we jumped to the pool to have some fun. Bailey and I made a

game up, its soccer hand game. In 1 hour later Mrs Hughes called us to change. When we at the main

room Mrs Hughes gave us some lunch. It was a sandwich, mandarine, bottle of juice, banana and a

piece of cake.

Then after we headed back home like always.

By E.J. Ringor

Emma's Dunedin Thoughts


The trip, well where should I start, he conference; the Young Leaders Conference –The speakers were James Blake, Dr Justin Vaughan, Alison Shanks, Mark Inglis, Rob Harley, Matt Gibb and last but not least Nick Tuitasi.

My favourite speaker was Nick Tuitasi because he had some really interesting stories about his life, there’s one line that I will never forget. Be careful of your thoughts because your thoughts become words be careful of your words because your words become actions. Be careful of your actions because your actions be come Habits; be careful of your habits because your habits become character; be careful of you’re your character because your character becomes you destiny. Next stop the public art gallery with John Neumegan. We talked and explored the art gallery and then we discovered the art room. We put on aprons and John showed us how to make the portraits. So I splattered some ink here and there and I chopped some pieces out and covered it up with some paper that looked like a kimono pattern. We used dye to put colour into there faces, after we finished he showed us a little more around the art gallery. We burst through the doors and saw the big purple and green bus with Jane the driver waving to us. We hopped in and drove to the museum, unpacked and went to Discovery World and played. We had tea then went to do a topic on People of the World. My group was doing Conga. Some other people were doing Egypt, Australia, Japan and Greece. We had to make a song, outfit and flag I designed the flag. After we finished that we went back and then went to bed after supper. My favourite part was the play in Discovery World especially the piano and the bubble machine.

By Emma McLeod


Jarrod's Dunedin Thoughts


Hi my name is Jarrod and I am here to tell you about the

Young Leaders in Dunedin. It was lots of fun the speakers

were Rob Harley, Alison Shanks, Matt Gibbs, Nick Tuitasi

and James Blake. My favourite speaker was Nick Tuitasi

because he said be careful of your thoughts because your thoughts

become words be careful of words because your words become

actions be careful of your actions because your actions become

habits be careful of your habits because your habits become

character be careful of your character because that determines

your destiny. And I think that will help me in my life.

Brock's Dunedin Thoughts

Young Leaders

On Monday the 31st of May we went on a long trip to Dunedin.
We only had one stop on the way up but I was grateful. Then we went back on the bus and on our way again when we got to Dunedin we got off the bus and started walking down the street we got to the Young Leaders Conference. My favourite Nick Tuitasi because he had cool stories like he as a teenager be careful of your thoughts because your thoughts become words be careful of your words because your words become actions be careful of your actions because your actions become habits be careful of your habits because your habits become character be careful of your character because your character determines your destiny. And that meant a lot to me because he used to be some rebel guy but he changed his life and made new friends.

By Brock