Saturday, May 29, 2010


Hey everyone! We've just hit 1000!!!!!
What ARE we going to do to celebrate? Ideas please.
Add them to the comments. This is pretty impressive considering we've only been
going since February.
What do you think about the new layout? Add those comments too.
Remember, this is OUR blog - not just mine. :-)


  1. P.j day at school, Trip to Kerrs Bush, movie day, toy day, I.C.T day, whole class goes to enrich day, games day, fun day, stuff that your good at day, arty day.

    These are just some ideas that I can think of!
    From Ellie!

  2. I love your thinking Ellie. Some great ideas. :-)

  3. I think for the 1000 visits, we should have a shared lunch and bring 1000 things of that food.

  4. Hi this is Hollie
    I think we should have a movie day with a cake and lots and lots of popcorn, and on the cake we should have a big 1000!!!!!!!! It would be AWESOME.

  5. Hi Hollie and Sam
    I love your ideas. Bit worried about the 1000 things of food Sam!
    A party / movie day sounds like a good idea. Let's see what other ideas come up on the blog. :-)

  6. Hi this is Scott I think we should have a senior soccer tournment day or bring your pets day.

  7. I think we should MAKE a giant cake and have a hundreds & thousands lollie scramble (Mum's idea)

  8. Heh, Heh! Funny! I love the idea about the 100s and 1000s lolly scramble. Now that would be a challenge. :-)

  9. We could have 100 things to eat instead of 1000?!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hug a teacher day - nah...

    Creme pie a teacher day:)hahahahaha.

    Sports day all day,try different sports. Get Jamie McIntyre or Robbie Robinson to visit us.

    Rory :):):):):):):):):):):):)

  10. I love your ideas Rory - especially the one about the cream pie -I don't think ;-).
    Absolutely love the idea of a sports day. I think that is something we could work on. Would everybody be keen on this do you think?
    The 100 things to eat would be much more manageable than the 1000!! What great ideas we are getting on the blog!
