Sunday, May 16, 2010

Brain Learning and Posting Comments

Hi everyone
We've had a really busy week as you've hopefully heard.
This week we are continuing our focus on Multiplication / Division - please encourage your children to spend some time on their basic facts as part of their homework. This can be either on the games linked to the blog or using the cards they have taken home.
In writing, we are going to work on our speeches. This will involve listening to speeches on some of our education sites - including some very famous speeches. From this we will create our own rubrics for successful speeches. This will also be part of the homework for the next two weeks.
Our reading is also linked to this.
We've just received replies from our epals and the children can choose to reply to these at home. (All mail comes to me first, so there is no problem completing this at home - a great safety feature of this system). The epals have become another great way to encourage writing in a relevant context.
We're all very excited about our inquiry and where it will head. We are in the Tuning In stage of the process. The children are learning about how the inquiry process works and will add their knowledge to the blog.
They would love to have more comments on the blog. I have made some changes to the security of the blog. Only followers of the blog can now comment and the comments come to me first. This stops any unwanted comments, or people from outside the school whom we may not want to be followers, contributing to the blog.
It would be great of all of you could add your names as followers to help us create a really strong learning community. If you are having trouble 'following', just let me know and I can help - hopefully.
Have a great week. :-)

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