Hi everyone
We are nearly at the end of a very busy week. I am working on setting up the children's blog addresses. This takes a little bit of time but it will enable links to be made to the classroom blog and also enable the children to comment on parts of this blog. In the meantime, I will put their comments about the video they watched the other day - Adora Svitak's one - under a new post on here. These are just their thoughts and ideas in very brief versions. The discussion we had about learning was fantastic. They really enjoy thinking deeply about the world around them and how they interact with it.
We also went to Kerr Bush today. This is such a great opportunity to continue our focus on sustainability in action. They excitement around seeing the growth in their trees was very exciting. They feel that they are part of doing something to change and preserve something important in their community. Another way of showing that you don't have to be an adult to be able to achieve something big. Imagine what Kerr Bush will look like when they are older!!
They will also be setting up a Kerr Bush blog which will keep us up-to-date with what is happening there. More ICT skills put to good use in relevant contexts.
We will let you know the address and will provide a link from the Myross Bush school site.