Hi everyone! I hope you're having a great holiday. I have some funny Aus photos to show you when we return.
It's going to be an exciting term - Camp in Week 2!! Can you believe how quickly it's rolled around?
I hope you've been reading lots over the break and putting a little bit of practise into your Basic Facts.
Lots of great learning coming up this term. Something for everyone!
We are going to be inquiring into... Oops, nearly gave it away. Now that wouldn't be good would it?
Let's open up the discussion. Add your comments about what you think our inquiry focus might be this term.
Add it as a comment, and don't forget to include your name.
See you soon. Keep an eye on the blog over the next few days for more information, questions, discussion
starters and so much more.
Keep an an eye on the side bar for more cool sites too.
I was very good and did not work on the computer while I was away - always good to monitor how much
time we spend on our tech tools isn't it? I must admit though, that I have missed working on the blog -
don't tell anyone!!