Monday, June 21, 2010

Jarrod's Dunedin Thoughts


Hi my name is Jarrod and I am here to tell you about the

Young Leaders in Dunedin. It was lots of fun the speakers

were Rob Harley, Alison Shanks, Matt Gibbs, Nick Tuitasi

and James Blake. My favourite speaker was Nick Tuitasi

because he said be careful of your thoughts because your thoughts

become words be careful of words because your words become

actions be careful of your actions because your actions become

habits be careful of your habits because your habits become

character be careful of your character because that determines

your destiny. And I think that will help me in my life.


  1. Hi Jarrod. How will that saying Nick told you help your life?

  2. Wow Jarrod, you must have listened well to remember all that he said.
    From Ethan.

  3. I liked you beginning and ending Jarrod.
    From Kiera. :)

  4. Powerful stuff Jarrod. It's great that it will help you through your life.
