Monday, June 21, 2010

EJ's Dunedin Thoughts

The Dunedin trip

On Tuesday morning we went to the tropical rainforest in the museum. When we got there it was really

warm and it was hard to breathe. There was one big waterfall – it was my fist time seeing a waterfall.

Then I saw lots of butterflies, tarantulas, goldfish and turtles. My most favourite one was the tarantulas.

We took lots of pictures but then it was time to go back. Then I took the last picture of the waterfall.

Then we went back inside to pack our things because we were going to Moana Pool.

When we got there, we wait for Mrs Hughes to payed. After Mrs Hughes payed we went to the

changing room to change. Then after we jumped to the pool to have some fun. Bailey and I made a

game up, its soccer hand game. In 1 hour later Mrs Hughes called us to change. When we at the main

room Mrs Hughes gave us some lunch. It was a sandwich, mandarine, bottle of juice, banana and a

piece of cake.

Then after we headed back home like always.

By E.J. Ringor


  1. Hi its Brooke
    Love your piece of writing. I like how you put in how it was hard to breathe. I would like to know more about what happend at the pools.

  2. Hi EJ I Love the description of the Tropical World ☺

  3. Hi Ej I loved your description!
    From Kiera. :)

  4. Cool piece of writing EJ it was neat to read.

  5. How wet did you get at under the waterfall? Callum H
