Saturday, June 5, 2010


I am experimenting with ways to add your homework to the blog each week.
This is just another way of trying to simplify processes - and save a few trees.
The application I'm using has scrambled a little of the page but only in
the layout, not the content so that's great.
I will also put the Science Fair link on here.
This is another way to help you out - particularly if you've lost your sheet
or have forgotten to take it home. Now, you can just click on the link and
it's there!
Add your comments and let me know what you think of this. Don't worry
if you are having computer issues at home, you will still be able to get the
hard copy.
Have a lovely long weekend and I will see you on Tuesday.


  1. I went on the into the book website and made a cool bioptic poster about martin luther king

  2. That is awesome Fraser!! I will go and have a look at it now. See you tomorrow! :-)

  3. Hi Rory here
    I thinks its cool that the homework is on the blog, now we can't lose it unless we lose the computer!

    The monkey calendar is a crack up.

    The Ukiyo-e was so fun, I wonder if we can do it in class?

    That is all for now.

  4. Best you don't lose the computer O Wise One!
    Thanks for the comments. I really like the monkey calendar too. I will have to see what other ones I can find.
    I would love to do the Ukiyo-e in class at some stage. I think you would all be great teachers if you wanted to teach other children in our school this art form.

  5. You are sooooo clever to be putting stuff on the blog like this.
    Thank-you for 2 AWESOME terms. I just can't wait for the rest.
    I've been so excited about the proudction and the ideas going into it.

  6. You are so welcome McKeely! Wait until you see what I've got planned for this term in relation to our ICT use!! I am currently working on an online ICT conference. Can't wait to share it with all of you.
    Thanks for being such a positive and enthusiastic student. No wonder you're doing so well - it's all down to having a great attitude towards your learning!
