Friday, May 21, 2010


Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
I thought that it would be another great tool to use
in our writing. What are your thoughts?


  1. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH imagine if someone fell in the hole!

  2. Hmmmm. I wonder where it would lead to? Could it be like Alice in Wonderland - down the rabbit hole perhaps?? :-)

  3. Hi this is Scott

    For the bug one you could be in the shoes of the bug and you could make it that you were being attacked by aliens. And for the cat one he could be thinking why is the world side on why, can't it be normal?

  4. Hehe! Love the one about the cat. I think this is how Cossie sees the world - and cross-eyed too.
    You've been busy commenting. Great to see, Scott! :-)

  5. Hi I'm Callum H. We could write what you would do if you were in a boat and you accidentaly went into the big hole, what would you do, how would you get out?

  6. I love your thinking Callum. The possibilities are endless in terms of what you could come up with.
